Friday, January 3, 2014


FLORA AND ULYSSES  is one of my favourite books and also by one of my favourite authors, too. 

Some squirrels are strange and interesting (strange because they may be a superhero by typing poetry, flying, getting vacuumed up and surviving, and vanquishing fat, hairy cats named after their owner). Ulysses is the crazy squirrel named after a the Ulysses 2000 vacuum that almost killed him. 

I never really thought of squirrels as "interesting" until this (unpredictable) book. It is a book for ages 7 and up and also for someone who likes a book that you can find the most surprising events in. 

I really loved how the events all came together in the end and how they were so unpredictable. If you find this book I say you should give it a try.